Then we went to talk to the Police Inspector about the strip club we want to open

Thursday November 20, 2005 - We went to get my scooter washed and Yuliana's scooter had a flat tire that needed a patch. Then we went to talk to the Police Inspector about the strip club we want to open. He gave us the "go ahead" to start. All the women and men in the neighborhood of Sercee's Entertainment Center is asking us for "go go" (strippers) at the club we rented. They don't want DVD movies, they want to "see pussy". So we will start the "go go" next week.

Today we ordered more paint and some materials to make 2 bedrooms in the club. The way it works is there are girls who dance on stage and can also sell sex if they choose to, and there are other girls who don't work for the club but come to work the crowd and sell sex. We just rent the rooms, what they do in the room is their business.

Construction my my house in the mountains is moving along nicely... Craig :)

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