Ruins On Waucoba Rd: Death Valley Thanksgiving 2

Join Mark and Matt in the Hot Tub Time Machine!


We exited the hotsprings via the northern route which winds up by Waucoba Mountain. Midway, there is a dry creek with mining and homesteading ruins to explore. Whenever I experience these remnants of the past, I wonder about the grit of the people who built them--and who sifted through desert rocks and sand in the quest to become independently wealthy.

20171126_121212.jpg Approaching the claim ruins, where hubby helped some folks with two popped tires while I gallivanted around shooting these pictures on my phone.

20171126_121949.jpg Notice what becomes of unrescued vehicles.

20171126_121537.jpg Intrepid miners cut this hole.

20171126_122527.jpg Material came up from the hole, and tumbled through a barrel drum.

20171126_122539.jpg Fear of Depths

20171126_122647.jpg Sort It Out

20171126_122634.jpg Chained Metalry

Just past the mining building lies the older cabin.

20171126_122106.jpg OG Tiny Home

20171126_122322.jpg How old is it?

20171126_122316.jpg Time travellers' message board

20171126_122545.jpg Have a seat on the spacious patio.

20171126_122448.jpg See you later, wee cabin.

Moving on, there is a newer model home waiting for looky-loos.


There are some devolving outbuildings, and tons of rusty junk laying around. Did the residents leave suddenly or under duress? All I can do is snap shots and wonder....

20171126_123248.jpg Flattened sheds

20171126_122858.jpg Engine Gremlins

20171126_122919.jpg Chevrolet's Seen Better Days

20171126_123016.jpg Rusty Top

20171126_123042.jpg Dirt Nap

20171126_123252.jpg Mad Props

20171126_123410.jpg Al Fresco Cooking

20171126_123622.jpg Everything

Obviously they were expecting guests:

20171126_123543.jpg Spiffy!

Well, after this entertaining pit stop, we piled back into the truck. We had "miles to go and plans to keep", as old Robert Frost would say.

20171126_125942.jpg The Eastern Sierras beckon

I wish you safe passage through the desert, and may your prospects be golden!


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