Baby Goat of the Day🐐

Would you rather raise a baby goat or a teenage girl?

"A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal,
But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel."
- Proverbs 12:10

We have yet to do the former, but in our waning years, we find ourselves facing the challenge of raising the latter. Somehow, this sweet, compliant, loving, and thankful little granddaughter has begun mutating.

At 13 going on 27, we have noticed an increase in silences, some moodiness, and of course, the ever-present "thumb wars" that seem to fill every waking moment as texts are exchanged non-stop with friends.

Behind the Hawthorne Country Store

Behind the Hawthorne Country Store
Image by @creatr

We have no severe issues as yet,

but I would like to keep it that way. I try to find means to foster a pleasant mood and keep our communication flowing.

Today, on the way home from math class, we stopped at the Hawthorne Country Store to visit the animals.

Country Critters

Country Critters
Image by @creatr

You never know what you might find in and behind the store.

There are cages of different kinds of birds, pigs in pens and little piggies in washtubs, big mean parrots, and today?

One very cute little baby goat.

One very cute little baby goat.

One very cute little baby goat.
Image by @creatr

This little critter was friendly.

Even though there was another dark-haired baby goat in the pen with him, this one acted as though he had been abandoned and left heartbroken. He couldn't get enough petting.

Couldn't get enough petting.

Couldn't get enough petting.
Image by @creatr

All creatures, great and small.

The Good LORD Jesus made 'em all. Each has their own behaviors and characteristics, each is unique in its own way.

Somehow, some way, the good nature of these beasts rubbed off on grandfather and granddaughter alike. A little petting, some cooing, a little oo-ing and ah-ing... It all made for a more pleasant ride home.


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