🐚Sand Patterns on the Beach, Part II - A Photo Essay📷

Second of Two Parts: Click Here for Part 1

I've had a life-long love affair with the beach and the ocean.

Surfing is a passion with me, but even when I can't go surfing, I find simply walking near the ocean for a while very restful and relaxing. During my walk on the beach last week, I saw another set of patterns in the sand.

Southern California Beach Sunset...

Southern California Beach Sunset... - Original Photo

Unless otherwise noted,

all of these photos were taken with my phone/camera, and (FYI) I've uploaded them here at full resolution, so if you "right-click" and "open in new window" you can "zoom in" and see considerable additional detail.

As I walked along the beach, I snapped photographs of whatever captured my interest.

I'll show you my favorite once again.

Branching and swaying, this pattern of light and dark sand makes me imagine a mermaid's gown. I can also see the face of a dog. Can you see it?

Mermaid and Pup-1

Mermaid and Pup - Original Photo

I also spotted what looked like "micro-sand dunes."

Whereas the mermaid gown is surely created by water flowing in one direction, running in rivulets downward, off the beach and back to the ocean, I suspect that these "dunes" are caused by rippling wave action.

Micro-Dune-Like Sand Patterns on the Beach-2

Micro-Dune-Like Sand Patterns on the Beach - Original Photo

The interesting bi-color sand shades are evident in the dunes.

"White" and "black," or "light tan" and "dark grey," just like the branching runoff patterns, the "dunes" also display both colors. To the right and top of these pictures, you can see that the "dunes" also extend and exist under water.

"Dunes" and Adjacent Waterway-3

"Dunes" and Adjacent Waterway - Original Photo

I'm reminded of photographs of the Sahara Desert taken from space.

I feel like an astronaut, looking down on a distant world and seeing beautiful patterns that aren't obvious when you live right down among them. Here's another collection of "dunes" by the sea, with what perhaps look like "mountains" above and behind them.

Another Set of "Dunes"-4

Another Set of "Dunes" - Original Photo

The view down the beach.

As I head back to my car, I enjoy the view along the beach. Sand, exposed and deeply weathered reef, waves, cliffs, clouds; what a pleasant place to be!

Looking Down the Beach-5

Looking Down the Beach - Original Photo

My walk is over; time to climb the stairs.

When I surf, the hardest thing I do on any given day is get out of the water. The second hardest thing I do is leave the beach.

Sadly, that time has come...

Alongside the stairs up to the road stands the beginning of a very long, deeply weathered cliff. It, too, exhibits intricate natural patterns.

Weathered Cliff by the Stairs - 6

Weathered Cliff by the Stairs - Original Photo

OK, back to work... I hope you've enjoyed these beach scenes with me. Let's go walking again soon.

Thanks for your time and attention.

I'm here on Steemit because of you, my readers. I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you!

This post is intended to count towards @dragosroua's Challenge30.

I have very eclectic interests and hope, over time, to write about all of them.
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