Preview - The Ceahlău Massif through the Broke Traveller's lens - Ep 7

Here are a few images that I took in this wonderful mountain range in the Romanian Carpathians called: The Ceahlău Massif. This is probably one of my favorite mountains in Romania as I grew up close to it and would visit it often. After so many visits (about 20) I managed to take quite a lot of pictures of it and got to know a lot of the "secrets" of the mountain.

I am planning on doing another post or two about the Ceahlău Massif one of these days when I'll have more time. Maybe with trail descriptions and more. But for the moment I hope this manages to spark your interest at least a little bit... :)

There you have it! A preview of The Ceahlău Massif through my lens. More will come... Hope you like it and please send me any suggestions/thoughts. Cheers for browsing!

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