On Always Moving, and Perspective: Water Under the Bridge — Some Photos of Vancouver and Some Realizations


In the end, it's all water under the bridge.

What does it mean to you? We often hear the expression used when we aren't feeling our best, but in the end, isn't it a metaphor for life as it is? Positive or negative, our experiences wash over us and slip away, growing softer as they recede. I was flipping through some of my photography while listening to music and mulling over the last week and thought I'd share some stunning photos of a Vancouver landmark that most people will never have the luck to see from this angle.


Craning my neck to peer at the underside of the Lions Gate Bridge, floating quietly past the edge of Stanley Park, I realized that one of the busiest places in the city looks calm and serene from another angle.

If you're having a hard time right now... how can you find peace, gather your turmoil in your hands and turn it over and over until you can come to a better understanding? Water under the bridge, in my mind, is much the same. It's not easy, but let this (whatever this may be) wash over you, carry you a ways ahead — with a bit of luck, past a different perspective — and then continue off towards the horizon.

Vision blurring, the sky overhead an ominous mass. When things are pressing in on you... try to think of them as water under a bridge. Double exposures where the good and bad overlap in your life that are in shift and flux and will ultimately continue moving away from you. Let it carry you as far as you feel you need to go, and once you've seen something new, start moving for yourself again.



The things that hurt us, confuse us, overwhelm us — when directly overhead or underfoot... they are roiling, seething, full of uncertainty. Practice letting that water go, off under whatever bridge you need it to, and let it blur away on the horizon line. It still exists, out there somewhere, but it is softer, more serene, and a blended part of your whole ocean of experience.


And you are still afloat.

good luck today, friends.

All of these photos are my own, taken on my travels all over this pretty blue marble of ours.
I hope you like them.

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