MegaCon Day #2 - A Quick Look Inside

In case you needed a break from all the cosplay photos, here are just some quick random shots taken from the second day of MegaCon, one week ago today.   First, that Batmobile above, is amazing.  It is a fairly accurate representation even the inside, the person running the booth was actually the person who created it.  

Celebs and fans enjoying the event.

You slide over some extra cash they may even let you behind the table..

.. just kidding btw.  Amanda and Jimmy are big stars in this comic book world yet are so damn cool to every single person coming through the line.   Saying this from many times personal experience.    Even back when Jimmy was with his first wife Joe Quesada.

One of my favorite trends, cosplayers having their props signed by the comic talent:

Winner for cleverest store name

I imagine the below booth was both awesome to be super comfy to get off your feet and lay down and maybe a little stinky too with how many a nerd may have laid their sweaty backs on this through the weekend

Microsoft had a cool presence at MegaCon.  With an Xbox One out right in the walking area, everyone would jump in and have fun


Oh wait.... I do remember grabbing some shots of one little guy who looked like he had running through his head "Why dost anyone ask me if I want to play?"

Marvel and DC Cosplay at MegaCon 2018 - Part 2

Cartoon Cosplay from MegaCon 2018

Megacon Day #1 - A Quick Look Inside

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