Photos by my 6 year old


So my son Luke had my old phone. He uses it mostly to play games and take pictures. He was carrying it around with us on our trip and was making videos and taking pictures the entire time.

Disaster Strikes

Unfortunately at the top of the Rocky steps he was trying to put in into my backpack. I thought that he already he it in and turned around. I am sure you can predict that the phone fell and now the touch screen doesn't react to your finger anymore. So when we got back to the hotel I took the opportunity to upload all of his pictures from the phone onto my laptop to ensure that they don't get lost.

Silver Lining

We had a lot of great laughs when we got a chance to look through all of his pictures. He had some great shots! but he also had a lot of pictures of the ground, and strangers, and the same shot over and over again. The one thing that I really enjoyed was how many pictures he took of me. I don't often take images of myself. I am usually the one holding the camera. It was also neat to see the pictures he took when I wasnt posing or looking.
This week I am featuring a selection of his photography where I am in the picture. Not to bad for a six year old.

Hope you all enjoy!








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