Mismatched Travel Diaries - Munich - Part 5 - Surf or Die: Munich's Second River Wave

Five-hundred meters downstream from the Eisbach River Wave is a second river wave. This one is a little calmer, less populated and generally home to a lot of the beginner surfers and younger surfers. The wave is a lot smoother though it actually seems a little harder to get onto by the looks of it.


The line-up on this wave is only on one side, and there isn't much room. When it is your turn, you are just a hop, skip and a jump away from cruising the river. This is where most surfers slip up, and their go is over before it began... but rarely is the wait until your next go a long one.


To a non-river-surfer, or weak swimmer, this would seem like a dangerous sport. The signs along the river certainly point to it being a dangerous expedition, but this is a very popular swimming spot, where people float or swim the distance between the two river-waves quite comfortably. Every year at least one person falls victim to the cold, fast river, but most of the time it is someone who is not a strong swimmer who has succumbed to the allure of the populated river only to succumb to its power. It is a sad, and unpredictable outcome and in most cases, at least one politician will try and piggy-back the loss of life in order to try and cease the river surfing activities, which are never at fault.

But still, the surfers surf and the swimmers swim... and good on 'em, I say.






My Previous Munich travel diary can be found below:

Mismatched Travel Diaries #2 - Munich - Part 4.5 - Biergartens are open. Winter is officially over - Video

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