Reflect on the Present - How Today Will Build Your Tomorrow

What you do in life becomes the reflection of how people see you.

Using lake reflection photos I've taken here in New Zealand let me describe you how my mind thinks in creating a better tomorrow for yourself and those you affect.

If you can make one additional change everyday to create a better version of yourself then over time you'll get there without even knowing it. The daunting task is the big picture, that's the goal. It's far easier to approach it by sectioning off blocks that will build onto themselves.

Work on one block at a time to create something great. Whatever positive action it is, someone somewhere a sometime will benefit from it.

Your aim should be to build something inspirational for people to aspire to.

Just as a lake reflects the mountain, life will reflect you. People will see your efforts in trying to achieve something great. It will inspire them to get out and make something of themselves.

Whatever you give to life, life will eventually give it right back to you.

That means, don't be a dick because that's what people will think you are.

Create something worthwhile that will help other people. In turn your helping yourself become a better person.

Do one thing everyday that will help create a better version of yourself for tomorrow.

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