A sunny day in the fields

Hallo Steemian..

How are you today, I hope your day is always fun.

Welcome to my post, I always share my favorite photo. Therefore do not be bored to visit my blog this. On this occasion I will share the photography I shot a few days ago. If you're curious let's see together what I found that day.


Tells the story of the paddy fields, especially in aceh many farmers who plant rice for the staple food of Indonesia, namely Paddy cooked into rice. therefore today I am displaying in my post some photos and activities of farmers and rice fields.

Bercerita masalah sawah, khususnya di aceh banyak petani yang menanm padi untuk kebutuhan makanan pokok indonesia, yaitu beras yang di masak menjadi nasi. oleh sebab itu maka hari ini saya menampilkan pada postingan saya adalah beberapa gambar dan aktifitas petani dan persawahan.



Usually paddy are planted during good weather, ie when the weather is not dry and not in the rainy season. rice cultivation takes a long process, because specifically in aceh the farmers start harvesting for 3 to 4 months.

Biasanya padi ditanam selama cuaca baik, yaitu ketika cuaca tidak kering dan tidak di musim hujan. Penanaman padi membutuhkan proses yang panjang, karena secara khusus di aceh para petani mulai memanen selama 3 hingga 4 bulan.



Thanks for visiting my photography blog, All the photos I upload are genuine. You can write your comments and criticisms in the comments field below.

Regard From Me @dayatsiaulia

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