Random Japan #3 // The Store of the Beast

Wonder what they sell in there.

store of the beast.jpg

Trivia time!

We typically think of 666 as the number of the Beast or the mark of the anti-Christ, but it may have been more of a coded reference to the Roman emperor of the time who the Christians really didn't like very much, Nero. He wasn't a fan of the Christians and had a nasty habit of persecuting them.

In Hebrew numerology, Nero's Greek name, Kaiser Neron, (נרונ קסר, qsr nrwn) added up to 666. q=60, s=100, r=200, n=50, w=6.

Some early biblical manuscripts don't give 666, but rather 616. Same numerology system just using the Latin spelling: Nero Caesar.

Hmm... I think I should avoid this store, just in case. Not that I could have stopped anyway; I took this from my car, which explains the crooked framing. Also it seems to be closed today. Stores in Japan close on random days of the week. Often Monday, but not always. A local supermarket, for example, always closes on Wednesdays, except when it closes on Sundays. The random close days is annoying, but you get used to it.

The Japanese import some Western superstitions, but the fear of 666 (or 616) isn't one of them. Still, many people are aware of the number and some may avoid it just to cover all bases.

To point out other things in the photo... that is a condo to the right of the evil store. Condos are everywhere and many share the same ugly designs.

At any rate, I am curious what they sell at that store...

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