Last September, I visited Beijing and had a lot of great memories from this historical city. One of the post that I am fond of from this trip is this one, sharing night photography of Beijing streets:
Today, I am in Tainan. This city is also an enchanting historical city, certainly not as historical as Beijing but both are enchanting in different ways. In addition, this city was once the capital city of this island hundreds of years ago... Last night, we were wandering on Tainan's casual streets and I took some shots to share with you in this post. I hope these photos can lure you to visit this wonderful city in the future. Cheers!
現在我在台南,同樣是一個迷人的城市,也許沒有北京宏偉,沒有北京那千年的歷史,但一樣都是風情萬種的文化與歷史之都,各自風騷各自醉。台南在幾百年前也是鄭成功明鄭時期的首府啊~ 昨夜,我們漫步台南府城街頭,我同樣留下許多 ... 影,在這一篇裡與各位分享。但願能夠引起你未來到此一遊的慾望,同來感受台南的無窮魅力!
Previously in this Tainan mini-series ...
上一篇『慵懶台南』小系列 ...
🚉 [輕旅行系列] 慵懶台南 #1 水果行與杏仁豆腐 🚉 [Travel Around Taiwan] Enchanting Tainan #1 Fruits Store & Almond Tofu
Stay tuned for more Enchanting Tainan tomorrow ~~~~
敬請繼續期待,明天繼續分享 慵懶台南 喔~~
- all photos were taken by my Sony Xperia phone without any further processing.