DEK Photography: Officer of Peace

As soon I saw him, I knew I had to take his photo. It's not often that you see a navy officer wearing a colorful backpack, more suited for a small child. The contrast was astounding.

DEK Photography: Officer of Peace
You can click for a bigger image! Taken at 50mm, f2.8, 1/30s, ISO 400. I wonder what was I shooting at that speed, before I stumbled on him?

I was hunting him for days. I knew the approximate time he came back home, but I was never able to catch a glimpse of him early enough, to take a photo from behind. So I gave up, after a week of trying.

And then one day, I saw him walking in front of me. Just like that! I knew I had to take the shot fast, while he was walking in the bright part of the street. I didn't even have time to change my settings and pressed the trigger while crossing a busy boulevard, trying not to fall behind. Before I knew it, he disappeared into his apartment building.

Most of the photo is out of focus. But what matters is spot on - a man of power and discipline, with a joyful backpack, showing us his true character - just a young boy, with a responsible job.

You can follow more of my work at #dek-photography!

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