DEK Photography: The Soul of the City - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #12

Here are my three photos for this week's Steemit Photo Challenge, "The Soul of the City", kindly hosted by @jamtaylor!

A Dancing Girl at the Fountain.

DEK Photography: The Soul of the City - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #12
You can click for a bigger image! Don't worry, you won't get wet!

This particular photo was taken at sunset - I watched a small girl caught up in her lovely dance, in the middle of the fountains, soaking wet, not a care in the world! I couldn't resist capturing this moment - a much dreamer version of what little boys do when they spot a puddle! Originally in color.

Beyond Our Comfortable Bubble

I've shot this photo on election day, last year. Politicians were spending millions on advertising campaigns, apparently fighting over that all important and glorious 1000 Euro monthly paycheck. People knew they were corrupt and simply ignored them. They ignored their lies on TV, they ignored their smug faces plastered around town, they ignored them everywhere.

They also ignored this woman.

DEK Photography: The Soul of the City - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #12
You can click for a bigger image!

In fact, they tried particularly hard to ignore this old woman, because it was their ignorance that brought her to the streets. But she refused to be ignored. She was there, every day, talking to herself, sometimes shouting at them, reminding them of what they did by simply doing nothing.

So here she is. Back against that classy jewelry store, wearing all her clothes, holding tight to an umbrella.

Don't dare to ignore her.

The Christmas Wish

DEK Photography: The Soul of the City - SteemitPhotoChallenge Entry #12
You can click for a bigger image!

It was right before Christmas, 2015. I and my girlfriend were walking on the city's main street, when suddenly she pointed me in the general direction of some shop and told me "Shoot, fast!".

It was two Roma girls, sharing a man's jacket, trying to keep warm. They didn't seem to care about the cold, as they kept pointing at different jewelry and talking to each other quietly.

I wonder if they got their Christmas wish?

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