Ways to treat cactus plants, including:

The cactus garden should be air-dried for three days so as not to damp. When the cactus plants are stored indoors, will make the cactus become moist for long periods of cactus will die slowly. And if, cactus plants still can sunlight you do not need mengangin- aired again.

Can not dry the cactus plants directly under the sun. If exposed to direct sunlight can cause your cactus plants to burn, the characteristics of burnt cactus plants are brownish and blackish ends.

Cactus plants should not be watered every day as it will cause the cactus to become moist. Should be watered twice a week using spray. The characteristic of a damp cactus plant is the tip of the cactus will feel soft.

Cactus should also be given fertilizer, especially NPK fertilizer, you can buy the same flower trader. How to give fertilizer on cactus, you enter the fertilizer into the soil, after that you heap again so that the fertilizer does not evaporate and maximum usefulness.

Very easy to apply in your home, let alone the materials used are very easy to find. Good luck.

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