Cyanotype Portrait and The Process

The cyanotype process is great for these close portraits, it gives the photo a timeless feel to it.

I always use the "original" cyanotype receipe invented by Sir John Herschel in 1842:

  • Potassium ferricyanide and Ferric ammonium citrate (green) are mixed with water separately.
  • The two solutions are then blended together in equal parts.

To make the blue color "pop" right away I dip it in water with some drops hydrogen peroxide

Negative made from digital photo (printed on clear transparent film).
Exposure 4 minutes under UV-light (Black lights)

Printed on Hahnemuhle Albrecht Dürer. 210 gsm · 50% Cotton · 50% α-Cellulose · white paper.

The Photo


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