Use #photography101 to tag images you wish to have critiqued by your peers (amateur and professional.) The theme for this first week (ending on Sunday 14) is IMPACT! Just post an image (one per post please) from any category you choose, as long as you believe the image has IMPACT! I have not made a limit on the posts you can make at this time, but later that will likely change as more people join in!
Please read the rules here.
And please take the time to critique the work of those who participate by using the #photography101 tag, but BE NICE! We are all capable of giving constructive help, no matter what our knowledge of photography is. Tell the photographer what worked for you in the image – maybe you liked the expression on someone's face, the lighting, the composition, the mood, or the colors – but also let them know in a nice way if there is something that didn't work for you too. Constructive critique helps us to grow us photographers, even if we don't agree with what is said. We can still learn from what others say about our work.
After all:
Each challenge (or assignment) will end on Sundays, and a new one will begin on Mondays. Since this is the first one, I started a little earlier than Monday in order to try to get the word out!
The rules for participating in these assignments (or challenges if you prefer to call them that) can be found in this first post
Lesson 1 can be found here
Thanks for taking the time to read this! I appreciate it.
To find my photography and designs on Steemit, please search on #dianemacphoto and to check out my art prints and stock images, please visit my website.