Pine on Stegastein

Photo by Dmytro Korol
Click image to view in full screen

Camera: SONY NEX-6
Lens: Sigma E 19mm F2.8
Focal Length: 19.0
Aperture: F8.0
Exposure: 1/320 sec
ISO: 200

About the photo

Stegastein was one of my must see things in Norway. I have seen zillions of photos of this spectacular viewpoint. But I wanted to find something more unique. It was this tree on the edge of the cliff over the road. Luckily, we the only people on this popular spot that day.

About the place


Stegastein is a part of the national tourist road that leads from Aurland to Laerdal, popularly known as "The snow road".

The Stegastein construction is an attraction in itself. The four meter wide, 30 meter long platform that juts out from the mountain made from laminated wood and steel has garnered attention far beyond the Norwegian borders and has gained distinctions for exiting architecture.

The Stegastein viewpoint juts 30 meters out from the side of the mountain, 650 meters above the Aurland fjord.

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