Coots Photo Shoot


Purrr~~~ Purr ~~~... there I was taking my usual catwalk with my D Eye taking advantage of the sun shining brightly yesterday thinking I'd go birding but alas! ... ~~ no birds in sight. I could hear them but they've gone AWOL and all tucked in their nest I suppose.

Passing by that man made mere beside the bike path I heard them cooting...

"Coot..coot ..."

...volunteering to be my models. Sure why not ... I'm not really a fan of coots though I admire them being able to walk on water like Jesus and all. I've seen them pretty aggressive on ducks and other fowls so I wasn't sure it's a good idea to have them. Pecking seems to be a reflex on those and the only fowls that seem to intimidate them are the lovely swans.


On the other hand, what could go wrong? He and his mate swam towards me leaving a trail of ripples that form a V line - yeah that's one thing more I find awesome about coots. How do they do that? This two were like ..."were on a synchronized swimming" like ..seriously?.

He ~~ ...must be metro sexual cause look, he's even checked his feathers out on that murky water reflection.


"Damn, I look hot, don't you think?"

... he asked out loud .. course, I had to agree for I have not much subject in sight.


"So, how's this?"

... he asked, giving me a side view.


"Not bad.." said I. "Wait.. did you just drool?"

(Yuck! thought I ..)

"course ... you've got bread that bag for me later yeah?"

Hmm.. thought I .. not sure you can chew nor enjoy doing that on bubble wraps.

" Would you please get out of the water ?

I asked and he gave in ... Yey! ____


"Uhmmm... am missing a foot Mr. Coot. Please come closer ..."


"Wait! Uhmm... that's a good angle .. and you're pretty much in a great shape Mr. Coot but I'd like to take more than just your "bam - bam" please ."

Are you a Chinese? Care to explain what "bam -bam" means? ..though you've probably already figured it out right?

"How about this? Am eating weed awesome huh? 'bet ya' can't do that!"


"Would you please give me a daring look?"


.. sighs.. daring, not idiotic ..

Yeah! .. that's much better ...

"So, are we done now? Can we have that bread now?"

"Uhmm... I don't know how to explain this to you but you see I didn't promise you any bread Mr. Coot ... you cooted and I just stood here thinking you volunteered for this photo shoot .. Wait! Where are you goin'?"


"No bread?! What? You bloody ... bloody you! No bread no photo shoot!"

Yelled he; as he leave me there feeling my cheeks turning red at the look the humans on bike passing by were giving me probably for photographing a common coot ..

"Very well then Mr. Coot, thank you!"

"Boo ~~~ Booo ~"

Wait what? Since when did coots learn to boo?

This content's 100% mine. I took all of these pics with my Nikon D3400 + AF-P NIKKOR 200mm.

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