D Eye

I got me a new toy and spent the whole day, yesterday (not really .. almost :D ) tinkering on it. I have to admit, at first... I almost got disappointed with the result ...


I have always wanted to capture those "lamp stand bys" up there, outside but my phone can't really capture them ever so vividly as I want it to, so I was hoping the new toy would do that for me. Since it's my first time to ever use this brand, I have to admit, it was like learning how to play a guitar from zero.

Forgive me for the not so lady like dialogues in the pictures but I find it more fun to include it there plus I think the new hip these days is "the grosser, the cooler". Not that am joining the trend but why not?

I ran back to my comp to check how I did and loaded the SD card in it. My husband stood next to me curious of what the pics look like. I frowned and the shrink knows I wasn't happy so he said; "Honey, you're behind a glass window, those lamps are on the road and don't forget the mere between the parking and the road (right, very encouraging) and .. did you even read the manual?"



It sucks when your significant other knows you so damn well so I had to admit I didn't as usual. Okay, I confess, I didn't even know how to use that damn focus till after this conversation. I just pressed that shoot button so there.

I don't like reading all those small lettered manuals plus I just don't! Yes, yes, I have to so I guess today, I'd be going through them damn pages.

At noon, I had a guitar class and I took my toy with me and after the class, I saw these guys sitting on one of the lamps in the middle of the road.

Of course, I have to think safety first, for me and the traffic so I chose a spot where I could freely take the pics without hindering the bikes nor serving as a distraction to any passing vehicle. I stood beside a bush at the end of the side walk and took my toy out of the bag, set it on moving figures or I think it's called "action" and took multiple shots.



I could never take these with my phone. Yeah.. yeah, it's not as clear as I want it to be but remember, I'm not far away from those seagulls and am no giant. If you're a Dutchy, imagine this ... third lamp post after the pedestrian crossing with a bike path beside it - that far. But then again, I wasn't on the pedestrian lane but rather on the side walk beside the bike path beside it.



What do you think? I was a bit happy cause come to think of it, it was gloomy yesterday compared to a sunny two days ago.

Wondering when I took the thumbnail? That's when I was in the sandy playground looking for some patterns. Can you guess why? 10% upvote to anyone who'd guess it right. I normally keep my word so I did look for a few but no luck. While I was looking hard having no luck, I saw those seagulls standing on the bridge and ran to take the thumbnail shot.


That time, there was still enough light so I guess, it somehow looks clearer. I wanted to switch lens and use the 18 - 55mm but I was worried the feeding frenzy would end soon so I didn't bother. I think they would have looked clearer had I done that but so far, am happy with the results. It's my first time using this brand anyway but I'm already falling in love with what it could do.

accross from the row of seagulls in the pic above this ...

I'm not a professional photographer, just some chick so in love with mother nature! I just shoot, shoot, shoot whatever I see and find interesting or beautiful around me. I love my new toy but I have to admit, my favorite photo session weapons are still my smartphones.. just because ~~!.

I still have so many things to learn about my new toy and lotz'a pages to read but I learn more in doing so I've actually parked the manual(grin). Join me in my journey of getting to know my new toy. I gave it a name - "D Eye.". Just because!!!

This content's 100% mine. I took those pics with my Nikon D3400 + AF-S NIKKOR 55-200mm VR II, all cropped. If you right click on the image it'll load a new tab try it ;) .

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