Impressions of My First Winter Fair 2017

I haven't posted for a while but see when you get sick, life catches up with you and some obligations do, too. When I was sick, all I did was sit, eat, sleep, go for a walk when I wasn't dizzy and repeat. When I got better, my "to doS" piled up a bit so I had to attend to them first so I found myself busy again but that's life. I did watch some parts of the videos shown in the fest while potato couching. Had I not givin' in on my shopping urges, I would have been able to hang out with you yesterday but am a woman and shopping is our 2nd best friend (laughs).

Today, my husband took me out on a date and then to a winter fair after lunch. It is officially winter since we've set the clock an hour later since last week but it still feels like autumn. I guess, the Asian "ber fever" has somehow reached the west that "winter fair" started earlier this time it's just November or ... maybe it's just me. I don't observe the Christmas achoo choo choo but I do like fairs like this one because everyone seems very very happy out there. Everyone seems ~~ energized, recharged and are wearing smiles plus I love the sound of the chuckles of children getting excited while pointing at whatever they want to buy while tugging on their parent's clothes.

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I guess people were expecting snow early these days because the summer was mostly wet but you see, the heavens must have been a lot happier than last year, it barely wail these days. Today, the sun wasn't even shying out. It's a winter fair but no snow anywhere near the Castle in Heukelum only fun-filled and happy faces.

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This is what greeted us in the clearing since the castle is a few steps away from the main road. Holland is really a Bike Republic oh .. I mean .. kingdom.

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My husband and I went around but I'd be honest, I went there for food. I already went shopping yesterday and I already splurged so I wasn't really looking for anything in particular. There were stalls outside, in the garden and even inside the castle. I wanted to go around inside but it was pretty crowded so we went out pretty fast and walked to the rows of stalls that extends till what seem to be almost a forest.

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It's typical Dutch to see them cheese of different flavors but sausages? Hmmmm.. some Germans must be here and yes indeed...

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Fries is also a typical Dutch treat but twister fries? I expect to see this one mostly in the border during Weinachtmarkt (am not sure I spell that one right, please forgive me German Steemians) seasons. Well, this one must be Dutch cause that wooden slipper certainly is.

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In front of the store selling these twister fries, I found these.. no .. no witch is making potion or any spell soup nor having an extended celebration of Halloween whatever .. this is how life is in the EU - people like showing old fashioned ways of doing something like these. Some of us still use this way of cooking in the Philippines though. It's the first time I have seen that old fashioned way of smoking them sausages but the wooden shoes ... that's really Dutch ;) .

We passed by a bonbon store and damn the bonbons were the size of a Korean choco pie and reading their flavors made my mouth water but hub and I just had our lunch and coffee with dessert so I had to control myself plus the line was too long I wasn't sure there'd be some left for us so we passed. We went along looking around the rows of merry stalls and I have to say .. this was the most fun of them all! Those guys are made of mosses, wood chips, dried acorns and mostly things you can find in nature. They made me stand there for a long time contemplating of buying the owl below. I have a thing for owl stuff and that one talks to me screaming damn it lady am so cute take me home! I just couldn't figure where to put it because of the moss so I had to turn my back at it.

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Most of the stalls feature house ornaments, winter clothes and a lot of Christmas decors. There were old vans turned into a rolling store that sells coffee, fries, juice, tea and glu wine which is weird cause I normally just encounter these during X-mas. The teapots below they're mostly blue .. just imagine they are.

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The cold and going around got us hungry so we looked around for something to snack on and saw a stall selling mini pies, pastries and cupcakes. We got us a chicken curry pie and the lady reheated them for us saying it's more yum when hot. We told her - warm is good enough. She told us it would take 12 minutes to do that so I went on looking around.

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I found these two smiling frogs on the swing and my husband and I loved them for our garden unfortunately we agreed they're going to be rusty later so we went back to the stall that sells it. I found a glass butterfly, a glass owl with green eyes and many other unique stuff and there in the corner, a huge smile got me sold to that one on the right.

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I told my husband I want it and he asked the lady to show him. The lady must have wondered ... why that among all the things I held. Well, I resonate on this one. He's so cute, happy and contagiously happy!!!! That smile makes him look so alive. The other glass stuff I held were pretty and cost less actually but I really liked this frog the most period! Yes, he bought it for me then we went back to get our chicken curry mini pie.

We headed back to the clearing to find coffee but had no luck cause it was almost closing time and we didn't want to get stuck among the exiting bikes and cars and found it not abuzz so we were hasting for no reasons really.

On the way back, most stalls are already tidied up and I wonder whether they had a great sale day today. I hope so most of them are start ups.

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Yes, this is filtered but the sky was almost like so when we got back to the parking. I was pretty tired from the cold .. there wasn't any snow but it was indeed a winter fair with a winter feel. Though it seems pretty early, I loved it because the energy there is really recharging.

This content's 100% mine. I took some of the pics with my Samsung Galaxy Note 1 and A3 2016 and used the later's filter. Can you tell which ones?

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