Women and Torn Thorny Roses

Woman! Yes! You! Have you ever been compared to a rose? Why the question?

"Roses are not my favorite flower - just because one kind caused me rashes when I was poked by its thorn one day. I never thought roses could give allergies nor rashes but according to some folks here it could. Do I love roses? Who doesn't? Specially if one is looking down at you like this - in a bunch!"

It's the first time I've seen one in a bunch twice the size of my head and mind you I don't have a small head. Aren't these lovely? Luckily I just had to tip toe and reach for them and bury my nose on those. I took minutes sniffing them because they remind me of a perfume my Mom used to wear - it was called Tea Rose - don't remember the brand I was high school damn I'm almost 40 - I forgot!

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**The note in Dutch is self worded - it's for my late Momma!

A tourist saw my reaction and couldn't help but take a pic of me. He said;" Lovely, aren't they?" I couldn't agree more.

If you'll be compared to a rose because you're beautiful I think that's fine. If you're compared to it because you smell so good one would very much love to smooch you I think it's a great compliment to be compared to a rose.

However, I was hanging out with some lady friends of mine enjoying some food and being the introvert in the group I normally just listen to their chirps and butt in for some laughs or when asked. That day I think their gossip gal's mode were turned on so the mouths were on fire. I'm not a fan of small talks(unless it's with a guy, guys don't leak stuff out as far as I know) but who are we to judge specially - friends? Besides, they are mostly funny during our very seldom meet ups. I have to admit though, I had thoughts of totally avoiding them and cutting the strings attached but in general they all have been very kind and funny so I kept them as friends and try to just enjoy the beautiful moments we have together.

Am well aware that this group loves dishing so am mostly just not the most opinionated person when am with them but I'm all ears of course! I'm also aware that they probably dish about me, too on those times I don't give in to some of their invites. They were comparing another woman to flowers and at first it was quite a funny conversation till they compared one to a rose. It was someone they no longer keep in touch with because apparently she wears thorns.

Innocently, I asked; " How could someone wear thorns?" Like chikadees in a chorus they all chirped; "because she likes pricking us. We encourage each other but this one only find faults. Can you imagine someone throwing a compliment of your hair and then right after that she'd tell you to sue the salon?"

" That's a famous joke where we came from - isn't it?" I asked back "so .. she must be kidding?"
"You could say that if she's only done that once but she did that to all of us, over and over - in almost every meet up so she's such a thorny rose. " I never thought there's such a thorny rose till I saw this in one of my weekend dates with my husband.

These are pretty lovely aren't they? However, I won't try touching those indeed with all those thorns on their stem - that's a red flag for me! I asked further; "If you knew she has been like that have you tried telling her that you don't like what she's doing?" " Of course we did but she also happens to think she knows it all so she never listens, besides - old habits don't die. We all left her but she doesn't care cause her reasoning is she'd just make another set of friends again. That was another huge slap for us when she said that - cause it's like saying "we don't matter to her!" - Such a thorny rose!" I guess that makes sense.

They asked me back ; "Haven't you had such an experience?" I can't deny that I did but with open pipes it's better to seal yours. I gave a misleading answer (not totally misleading but I prefer to not answer questions like that)so I said instead; "Most people who prick were probably hurt in the past - others call them "broken", I guess hurting another person by saying something negative to them sort of make them feel better inside. It's possible she's a torn thorny rose inside - who are we to judge we don't know her? She must have been through a lot!" The eldest of them butted in ; "She did go through a lot of meanness, rejection and she was looked down by so many people around her till she made it so rich." "There you go ~~" I said back.

Just when I thought she was done talking she grew her own thorns. "You, you don't talk that much and I notice that you often answer far from the questions. Haven't you had any such experience?" Deep inside I thought - I just did but instead of blurting that out I just shrugged my shoulders and smile the sweetest and sipped my tea and proceeded eating my cake so she would hush. She gave me that stare and someone's nasty spicy remark about the thorny rose lead to laughs and nastier remarks and the dishing continued so I excused myself out to get more carrot cake on the table, ate inside instead and sat next to the husbands who were talking about cars instead.

Yes, I have experienced that, yes.. indeed in some circle of friends and relatives, too. It's also possible that I have done that some time ago when I was not as matured as I am now. I was quite a straight forward lass when I was in my 20s my sisters would probably say that its an understatement. I may have hurt some unconsciously so I can't really play Pontius Pilate and wash my hands cause am as innocent as these yellow roses my husband once gave me as a "kiss and make up gift".

I went back outside and found out they were not done dishing but it has somehow toned down. On the drive back home, I told my husband about "the dish" he just smiled and teased me ; " Yes, you're all like roses, indeed" and laughed hard! "You have your thorns, too honey!" I told him I am very much aware of that but in defense like roses I think that I only use that to protect myself or to stand up for myself - or .. have I actually used them to prick, too? I quietly asked myself the later.. perhaps.. unconsciously .. And I quietly utter.."Oh damn - if I have ever unconsciously done that to someone may that someone forgive me for I probably was not aware of what I was doing."

So woman, got yourself thorns, too? Do you use them to protect yourself or to prick others, too?

If it's the later .. we already know that base on this story - if you go on doing that you shouldn't be surprise if your friends no longer join you in the table. Why do we do this anyway? Is it because we do want to feel better? To hurt? Out of envy? Out of jealousy? Is it because we have got something to prove to the world? To compete and prove we're so much better or have something better than what the other person has? Can't we just use our "feline-ness" to help and empower each other instead? Why o why? Would you dare admit and share your reason or personal experience with a thorny torn rose in the past? Do you still see that thorny rose? Why and more whys?

You a man reading this post now? Know anyone who's a thorny torn rose? What was your experience like with a thorny torn rose? Do only women shield themselves with thorns or are there men who "prick" their male friends with nasty comments/ attacks or fault finding, too? I wonder. Would you dare share?

I took each pic with a Samsung A3 2016.

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