How many stray dogs do you see in the picture above?
I count six.
Four along the street curb, and two at the end of the sidewalk.
When I snapped the shot (with my iPhone 6), it was early enough this morning, that the street-lights were still on.
I was making a quick produce run to the grocery store, and noticed the street dogs were just waking from their night's sleep.
They amused me with how they took their time yawning and stretching... very slowly... in NO hurry whatsoever...
...completely unphased by moving cars, bikes and walking people.
There are A LOT of dogs in Acapulco who seem to be without a home.
And despite their ongoing challenge against heat, thirst and hunger, they are absolutely gentle.
I mean, they might be conserving their energy, and maybe just can't afford to expend the calories it'd take to be mean.
But when I see them, it's usually near the doors of an air-conditioned business, so they can get a blast of cool air each time they open.
Or, they are merely hanging out like this... not dead.
When they find shade, coolness or the just-right spot on a concrete slab, DOWN THEY GO!
Middle of the sidewalk. Middle of the street. It's almost as if they are saying:
"Oye, me ves aquí. Camina, amigo mío." (Hey, you see me here. Walk around, my friend.)