Amazing Remixes From Unsplash Photos

An article by Martine Goyette featuring the work of Renato Prkic caught my attention today. Renato is an artist in finding stunning photos on Unsplash and combining them into even more stunning and surreal compositions.

Look at this marvel, for example:

And these are the photos that Renato combined:

Amazing, isn't it?

Read the whole story at Medium ...

Martine calls this approach Remixing and tells us:

Using a variety of software and apps, tons of artists combine and alter various elements from different Unsplash photos to create new and unique images. While some contain illustrative elements and others present a more realistic approach, these manipulations go beyond simple photo corrections and edits: remixes blend reality with illusion to create truly remarkable visuals.

Here is an idea for all Photoshop wizards among you :)

Better and better!
Orange Swan By Lemark

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