Silver Linings - Life, Work, Photography

Hey steemers,

I'm only 31, but I've been working since high school - all kinds of jobs, but mostly grocery stores. I've been in and out of work though due to various personal issues though.
Anyway, I work at Whole Foods these days, and for me, it's all about being in the moment- I'm not motivated by money, nor do I mind much what my specific job is - I just try to make the best of it and have fun.
I work full time in the production room- it's cold, little company, but- I can play my favorite music, and a couple coworkers can make my day- today it was Manny- he's from Mexico but has lived in the USA most of his life. He's probably my favorite coworker - he comes in at 430 every day and has a huge job, but he never complains and is great company. Anyway I do a lot of cut fruit at work, and today he put a pineapple on his head and asked me to take a photo.


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