Beltane Fire Festival Fail

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I admit, the title is a little click-baity. It wasn't the fire festival that failed, but me. So this wild group in the shot above are performers and audience members at the beltane fire festival which happened last night. Unfortunately I wasn't there and this is a shot from a previous year where I was there. I have been sick a lot lately and unfortunately its caused me to have to cancel certain activities lately.

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It's super frustrating when it happens. I haven't been to beltane in years and its always a great time. Last night in particular we probably had the best weather for the event in years. Its an outdoor performance/ritual/party/historical recreation so if it starts raining or something the whole thing continues .. while you get soaked or decide to duck out early and get slightly less soaked... So yeah, last night would have been good.

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It's not the end of the world, its just a wonderful opportunity to get some cool photos and I was looking forward to that. There is always next year so i'll just have to be patient and hope that next year I am not so damn unlucky that I get sick again. Beltane is a great experience that happens every year in Edinburgh on the last night of april. If you ever find yourself in the city you should make the effort to go and see it.. provided you are cool with a bit of nudity..


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