Best laid plans....


Sometimes things don't quite go to plan. This weekend (starting tomorrow morning) the missus and I are meant to be flying down to London.


We had both been looking forward to it and had taken time off work to make the trip happen. Then of course the typical thing happens. Last weekend I got sick.. really sick. I thought it was food poisoning .. but food poisoning doesn't linger for as long as this!


The current theory is that it's flu. Today, the day before we are due to fly the realisation suddenly came up that I am probably not well enough to travel. I am constantly exhausted, I have headaches, chills, nausea and a couple other choice symptoms..


The point behind the trip was to attend my little nephew's birthday. There was going to be a kids party and everything. The question was also raised wether it was appropriate for me to be near lots of little children in my current state of health. The answer is certainly no.


So are plans are ruined. I had hoped last weekend .. in fact right up to the last minute that i'd be ok to go. That I would have improved and felt well enough by the time we left to manage it through the weekend. Needless to say we are both very dissappointed and at a bit of a loss as what to do next.

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I'm not really all that bothered about the money we will now loose on the plane tickets etc.. but it does really bother me that we won't make it down to see my nephew.

Sorry this post is a little depressing... i suppose I feel I needed a little bit of a vent... I hope the pretty pictures from a previous London trip will help soften the sad tone of the text.


Thanks for Looking.
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