Autumn Fog (a post with lots of photos)

Hi again!

As mentioned in my last OPED post, I spent much of the last morning shooting in the fog. And well... while I claimed I had taken "a couple" of photos, I shot indeed quite a lot. But since there wouldn't be a lot of sense in putting all of them in the same post, I'm making a smaller collection instead.

blues in the air

I found myself in the Vesijärvi small boat harbour along the road that I take my boys to school every day on.

foggy bank
foggy bank without a squatter

The shore was indeed very foggy. And it appears that the squatter had left by the time I took this photo.

The bridge

While editing these photos, I noticed that when I correct for the white balance, the photos turn almost black and white. I wonder why that is. The blue fog images look nice, as they hold all the colour, but they are still very cold, so I tried to avoid that. After some thought I decided to take out all the colour and make the photo in monochrome. On Flickr you can find a colour copy with some boost on those colours.

the bench

Some photos work a lot better when contrast is pumped up to extremes. I noticed that this bench looks quite interesting if I pull the saturation to the max too. (Although I didn't want to publish it, because it did look very much over processed.


some colour
colourful boats

boat park
boat park

The boats are "parked" in between these poles. Not sure what they are called.


This one made an interesting photo. I like upside down boats.

someone in the fog
a fellow photographer appears, and disappears in to the fog

I met someone who was also taking photographs of the fog.

Editing-wise, dropping contrast can make the haze even more hazy and dream-like.


I'm concentrating on details and letting the colours push through the fog.


No, I'm not going to try to find out which flower it is now. I'll ask Vera tomorrow morning. ;)

Oh, then I drove on to the next spot, Pikkuvesku:

park trees
trees in the park

It was awful because I had developed a desperate urge to go somewhere to relieve myself, so I left quite fast, only after having shot one photo.

More driving:

(Btw. I got a copyright claim on my videos, should I not play the radio while recording and driving? It's interesting because on the video I can hardly hear the music, but google has still identified the classical music that was playing on the radio.

The next stop was the Palomäki football training fields, as Vera had some earlier day noticed how the goals looked kind of spooky in the fog. I couldn't find the goals though, as they were taken away for a reason or another. So I photographed the road, the field and the fog of course.

gravel road
foggy dirt road

football field


a path
a path

This path became one of my favourite shots. It is a bit mysterious in the fog.

Before going home I had to visit the library, to return the Grid Autosport leaflet Leo had forgot to pack along the game disk when we returned it Yesterday.


I took some photos there. These are two of them.


Then I left for home.

When home and looking out of the livingroom window, I noticed how colourful the nature had become so I had to shoot one last photograph from our balcony.

Shot from our balcony

It completes the set nicely. Wouldn't you think?

If you managed to follow the post this far, I will congratulate you! And I hope you liked every last bit of it! :)

More photos coming up tomorrow! :)

[Previous post: One photo every day: Fog squat (110/365)]

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