Last snowfall

I shot this two weeks ago after the last snowfall. Since then it's been raining a lot and almost all of the snow has melted away.

These trees (not the birch on the left though) are larches (Larix), they are interesting conifers in the way that they are deciduous. That means they shed their needles for the Winter.

Last snow
Last snow

Body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Super Carenar MC ƒ=35mm 1:2.8
Aperture: ƒ/5.6
Exposure: 1/1600 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

It's also one of the last photos I've shot with the Super Carenar MC f=35mm 1:2.8 lens before taking a breather and changing glass. This one is shot at f/5.6, but the light from the sun was so bright I erred to dial the exposure to a whopping 1600th second. Smaller aperture would've made it better. But shooting by hand it's pretty difficult to see through the screen (or the even the viewfinder) if I dial the lens aperture down, especially when shooting in blazing sunlight, and surrounded by snow.

Anyway, it looks like I might need to get myself some neutral density filters for next Winter. (I recall I had some lying around, but have a feeling they are of the wrong size for the adaptor I've got, or that the adaptor was the wrong size for my lenses, not sure. Need to check.) I could use them for other stuff too.

Oh, and btw. I'm also taking part in the 30 day 100 % power up challenge. Second post at it really, see how it works.

p.s. I've been kind of unmotivated as of late, so my posting frequency has taken a toll. Financially, I'm going bankrupt with my car keeping breaking down on me (this time I need to replace the turbo to a working unit, and diesel turbos cost an arm and a leg). Not much I can do to help the situation myself right now... Here's to hoping all will go well.

[Previous post: Nights in Tikkakoski (Long exposures + PowerUp + Bonus panorama)]

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