Valkoposkihanhia // Barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis)

On the day I shot the three Beetles, I also found some Barnacle geese having a rest and something to eat on their waypoint migrating south. Since at the time I only had my 50 mm Sigma with me I was kind of frustrated, because I should have brought the Canon EF 75-300 mm along, and I just knew I would have to crop these images in post.

Turned out I didn't need awful lot of cropping, but since I used a wide aperture, not many of the shots were publishable simply to the fact the focus was off on quite many of them. It isn't easy to focus on something that small (their heads) while they were moving, and I couldn't get any closer without startling them.

Anyways I didn't have to crop them all that much, and here are the resulting pictures:

Migrating Barnacle geese

Migrating Barnacle geese

Migrating Barnacle geese

Migrating Barnacle geese

All photos shot at the same settings:

Camera body: Canon EOS 550D
Lens: Sigma ART 50 mm ƒ/1.4
Aperture: ƒ/2.2
Exposure: 1/160 s
ISO: Dual-ISO 100+200

I'll do an update with the promised edit to the previous post when I get back from work & fetching the kids from school. Interesting guesses you guys gave me though. Almost makes me feel the post might be a little bit underwhelming against the expectations. ;)

So, see you later guys!

[Previous post: One photo every day: At work, tying strings into ads. (66/365)]

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