The last two brushes of my grapes + I make wine + Video

Good afternoon readers. As you know I am engaged in grapes I do of it wine. Unfortunately the season ended. Grapes ceased to grow. Means I spend all free time on preparation of grapes. Next year there will be new photos there will be a new harvest of grapes (If the project lives up to summer what I do not even doubt) And now represent two last photos of my grapes.

These are two different types. The first is called the miner and the second Muscat Hamburg.

Further you will see the device by means of which I press wine. The device is quite old not electronic. My grandfather in 1912 pressed wine approximately the same device. It is necessary to twist the screw slowly. The piston presses grapes and to a pan there is a juice.

Or it is possible to press juice in older way!

Here still raw materials (Grapes) of which wine will be made.


In this photo you can see process of fermentation of wine. In total in bubbles

Here are some vidio process of wine making. 


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