The Castle On The Lake

Medieval Building on Lake Pend Oreille


We are blessed with some pretty cool friends. Summers in North Idaho are filled with horseback rides, shooting range days, camping, hikes, and one of my favorite things: tubing and waterskiing on one of our many beautiful lakes.

A few summers ago, we were gliding around the vastness of Lake Pend Oreille in our friend's boat, dragging a gargantuan tube full of happily squealing adolescents in our wake. It was our first time out on that part of the lake (It's HUGE), and our friends took us over for a gander at the castle.


Apparently the people that own this bit of old school architecture have been working on it for years. I just thought it was so cool to see that bit of medieval oddity perched on a bluff overlooking the lake.


We just drifted there for a bit, taking a break from launching children through the air as they crashed our wake on "the tube" and thought fanciful thoughts of storming the main gate, did they build that tower for Rapunzel, and how in the heck were they paying for all that stone gloriousness?


And as always, all of the images in this post were taken on the author's frigid, North Idaho lake water doused iPhone.

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