Photogenic Adventures - Episode 2 (Super Happy Fun Airport Day)

Howdy Steemit Friends!

'GiftedGaia' (aka: Jason) from 'Steemit Talk Podcast' here to converse about some of the cool people/places/things I've seen with my camera! Prepare yourselves for...

Photogenic Adventures - Episode 2 (Super Happy Fun Airport Day)

--Double Prop

(Disclaimer) Although Everything I say after THIS very sentence will try to convince you that THIS fact is untrue - out of respect for the profession, I really do not consider myself to be a 'photographer'. I do, however, very much enjoy taking pictures of neat things I see.

On occasion - I've stumbled upon the opportunity to stand at some interesting places & document my environment with a camera. I'm Happy to report that these type of experiences have increased in frequency since I've purchased a Photography Quadcopter.

As previously referenced in 'Photogenic Adventures - Episode 1' (link below) the camera has a hand held attachment so you can use it on the ground w/ cellular device acting as screen/controls.

--Yuneec SteadyGrip w/ CGO2+ Camera

I've thus far used this device to shoot a car show, video of an 80+ foot long 2 story boat on the lake, and several clips of my Steemit Talk Podcast crew live in action! Its far more limited than a legit camera - yet you can get some decent pics out of it under the right conditions.

Speaking of those conditions - One day my buddy calls, who operates a mega charity in our area, and requests I take some pictures for him 'At the Airport'. I'm not certain what this means at the time, but know my friend to be someone who associates with millionaires on a daily basis, and figure 'eh what the hell'. He agrees to pick me up the following Friday.

A few days later we're driving out to the place. I ask along the way "What exactly do you need me to capture here?" and he responds "The hanger, the plane, maybe some people boarding." I assume he's talking about us standing outside the fence line and shooting in, yet something tells me there may be more to the story. For security/safety's sake: I relocate my pocket knife into the car's cup holder. (TSA approves of this message)

We arrive and drive the parameter, parking next to an adjacent hanger. My friend prompts me to wait a minute as he exits the vehicle and walks up to the only door, pushing a button on the wall. The door opens and he disappears into the building, leaving me sitting in the car alone.

While waiting I noticed my knife in the cup holder and that was the first time that I realized we were actually going inside the airport. I started processing the next steps when suddenly I considered my appearance - which was full blown 'weekend mode'. I hadn't shaved (airports fear the beard) and for some dumbass reason was wearing a long sleeved black shirt (on a hot day), black shorts, and a black hat. I also was rocking my camera in a... wait for it... solid black backpack. Consideration settled that I hadn't thought this through.

My friend then pops out of the door and waves me in. I take a deep breath, grab my bag, and walk up to the hanger - honestly preparing myself to speak with the TSA in some sort of checkpoint situation. (which potentially could easily unnerve my delicate 'Social Anxiety' sensibilities swiftly)

I walk in the hanger and discover what looks like a coffee shop lobby, and am met by a super sweet older lady. My buddy introduces me as his "Freelance photographer" and again (they spoke before I entered) name drops his mega-charity and that he was asked by the owner to take some pictures. With no vetting, she buzzes a runway/hanger employee and tells her to let us see whatever we need to see. I successfully hide my boy like excitement and keep composure. We exit the lobby and walk out a door that leads directly outside on the 'planes go here' side of the fence. I'm now standing in the airport between two massive hangers. I break out my camera and take a pic.

Our guide was a super friendly lady who looked to be in her early-mid 40's, stood maybe 5'2" tall, and had very tan shoulders from working outside everyday. We walk up to the first hanger's door and our guide types in her password on the security keypad. The lock disengages and we walk in. The lights are still clicking on as I take in my surroundings.

An hour prior I had been sitting at home playing GTAV. Now I'm standing among several parked airplanes right in front of me. I again successfully hide my child like giddiness and start snapping pictures. (Apologies for any out of focus pics - my camera is meant for a Blade Chroma photography quadcopter)

--Big Blue

--Small Prop

--Small Prop + Big Blue

--Small Jet (I still can't figure out what they're charging w/ the extension cord)

--Small Jet & Tail of Double Prop (1st photo top of this post)

At this point I've walked around the planes several times, and find my friend talking to our guide. I ask him again "So what are you needing out of this?" and he replies "Lets start taking video. Stand out there and get some video of the hangers doors opening." I step outside and get the video he requests as he prompts our guide to open & shut the hanger doors. Its at this point I realize we're telling the airport staff what to do and they're obliging. It was... weird.

While waiting I notice a bunch of planes further down the runway. "How cool would it be to take pics over there?" I thought to myself. Also: "What the hell am I doing here?" I was VERY aware that this day felt like a 'Once in a Lifetime' sort of moment. Plus - the Sun was now shining.

We next walk into the hanger we had originally walked out of. (with coffee shop looking lobby) There are two jets parked here, as well as two confused looking tarmac personal when we walk in w/ camera rolling. Its at this point where my friend tells me "That's the jet I need you to get" as he points to the one hooked up to the taxi cart. I make my photographic introductions.

--Hello New Plane Friend

I take parameter pics/vids of the plane, then turn to my friend and ask "Now what?" He asks if I'm pressed for time and I say no, so he asks if we can wait a bit until the passengers arrive - then take video of them boarding & the plane taxiing away. I respond 'No problem' (as if I ever want to leave) then kindly ask where the restroom is. (No pictures of that part of the story)

We then sorta enter a waiting period and I start taking pictures of the aforementioned coffee shop looking lobby of the hanger & various airport stuff.

--Cool Art in the Lobby

--Airport Stuff

--Airport Stuff

--Airport Stuff

After a short while we walked back out into the hanger. The crew were getting ready to pull the plane outside & I snapped away as they did so. Soon a refueling truck pulled up and did its work. Here is a pic of him getting setup while a plane takes off in the back of the shot.

My friend continuously was trying to move things around to get what he thought would be better shots. In this model: there were many times he started messing with the plane itself while not really knowing what he was doing.

Here is a picture of him trying to close a compartment on the plane right after they pulled it out onto the parkway.

And another of him trying to figure out how the stairs retract - so he can shut the cabin door.

He then prompted me to step into the plane and take a shot - so I did. I had never been inside a smaller jet like this and it was pretty tight in there.

I popped out and walked the parameter again.. which now smelled like Jet Fuel. At this point we had been shooting for at least 45mins to an hour and I felt like the crewmen were getting sick of my sticking a camera in their face.

Suddenly our guide's walkie talkie squawked and we were ushered back inside. Our passengers were soon to arrive and I vividly noticed the staff members liven up. It then hit me that whomever was en route had the lifestyle that awarded them the privilege of hopping on a private jet for transport. I took a seat while my friend positioned himself strategically by the door - also visibly anxious/excited for their arrival.

The people that walked in the door first were an older couple in their late 60's.. followed by another couple in their 40's, and a young man in his early 20's. They were all well spoken, very polite, and honestly friendly people. We spoke for 10-15 minutes while the plane's departure was finalized, and then followed them out to the plane while I filmed them boarding.

I'm not sharing that video here because I want to protect their privacy. It also wasn't until later that day when we were driving home that I asked my friend 'who' they were. He looked at me like I was stupid, then said the family's name. I also will not share that information here - but my friend prompted that just the oldest man in the group's net worth alone was upwards of a Billion dollars. In retrospect - they were incredibly personable and I'm glad I got to interact with them initially without knowing 'who' they were.

I stood on the runway after they boarded and shot this pic before the engines were turned on..

As we moved to the side of the plane watching it begin take off prep - we spoke with our new guide, a crew member who we had met earlier when waiting for the passengers to arrive. Another incredibly nice guy - he & I spoke at length about his previous position in the military where he was a UAV/Drone mechanic. (Extremely relevant to my interests)

Even though we had pretty much been given an all access pass all day - I felt like I could probably get away with even more under his guardianship. I turn to face him and ask "So exactly how far can I follow this plane out?" He smiles and says "To the end of the hanger". The plane fires its engines and now suddenly I'm standing 15 ft away from a jet with no protective headgear. Again I chastise myself for not prepping for this gig at all. So it goes.. there was no turning back now.

The plane begins moving and I have video recording. We pace it to the edge of the hanger. Feeling emboldened by the entire experience I turn to my new drone mechanic guide friend and say "We can't go any farther at all?" He smiles widely and says "Yes, you can go up to the grass." He points to the very edge of the taxi way. He adds "I wouldn't go any farther than that if I were you." I'm already half way there before he's done speaking.

I stopped at the edge of the grass and took a knee. I was facing West toward all runways. Specifically one of the take off runways was right in front of me. This was my look to the left (South) w/ all the Big passenger jets lined up on the taxi way.. the ones I had hoped to get closer to earlier in the day. (Winning!)

I then shot video of the plane's take off, we returned to the hanger to share our gratitude & goodbyes, and went about our merry way. A short time later after passing all the pics/vids to my friend I decided to take a look. I ended up CRUDELY splicing together a few short video clips in windows movie maker (I'm NOT a video editor at all) and came out the flip side with the video below. There is some video shakiness during a few parts and it seems like Wifi interference to me (Wifi camera) but I'm no expert and am not certain the cause.

One of the cool things I've not mentioned is that the Air Force shares this Airport & they were running C130 & Helicopter drills that day. You see the C130 taking off in this video.

--Airport Play Day

All the pics/vids I shot are being turned over to a professional editor to be used for creating a video showcasing the prize of a charter flight to be auctioned for a charity event. My friend described the event as "a shoulder to shoulder packed room full of people all worth hundreds of millions of dollars".

I know that I would never be welcomed in that room.. but my pictures/videos will be there.. and that's a pretty damned cool feeling - especially since its all to raise money for charity.

I doubt I'll ever get to do anything like this again - but I'm so happy I took that gig, had the experience, and am able to share it with you all!

And that my Friends is the summation of this "Photogenic Adventures - Episode 2". I hope you enjoyed the sights & story .. and you can catch me every week on the 'Steemit Talk Podcast' as well as the newly launched 'STP Postcast'.

I'm also happy to report that I have something planned this weekend that could very well become "Photogenic Adventures - Episode 3"... so stay Tuned!

Kind Regards Steemit!


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