The adventures of Citrus and Fructose. Part 2. Tree Tuesday.

My friends made an enormous journey today.

Through the gated entrance of the kitchen they ventured out.


They boldly traversed the Duplo and discarded painting session, bypassing the pile of washing waiting for the fairies to fold, and crossed over into to the boudoir, where I hoped they would enjoy the view of the tree lined street.

Boudoir Who am I kidding. A 90 square metre apartment does not have a boudoir anymore than a formal living room or a den.

We count ourselves lucky for the internal laundry!

But I I think I should be allowed some leeway for artistic license.

Anyway, the view from the bedroom is okay, as long as you look up and not down.

This view is very different if you look down.

It has a green, red and yellow colour scheme.

Green wheely bins. Red lids for garbage and yellow for recycling. Lots of them.

I thought Citrus and Fructose would enjoy seeing the trees.

Now I realize I was a bit insensitive. I hadn't thought about it from their perspective at all.

I should have realized that after their extended period in the confines of the kitchen that a tree might be a little triggering.


They recalled their days hanging from their mothers branches, feeling secure and youthful, and blissfully ignorant of their impending drop.

They also told me that only 20-30% of lemon flowers even make it through to fruithood. This stirred up for them a complex mixture of grief, and guilt and gratitude.

Quite distressing.


Shortly after this photo was taken they asked me to return them to the kitchen.

It had all been too much for them.

I will need to be more considerate tomorrow.

If you missed yesterday's adventure, you can find it here.


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