I need to take this guy to Comicon

So my brother (@justinashby) and I were at my uncle's house the other day. Just hanging out, playing checkers, smoking weed. Typical "day off work" stuff. It was actually the first time in quite a while that my brother and I shared the same day off from work. Anyway, Justin randomly has this idea and says "Hey Speedy (that's our uncle), can we dress you in a long white robe and take you to Comicon as Gandolf the White?"
Speedy then, in all seriousness, asks "Who?" Yes, our uncle is seventy three years old and has no idea what "Lord of the Rings" is. Before Justin could answer I say "With his hair color, I think he would make a better Gandalf the Grey"
Speedy again asks "Who?"
"I'll show you, Speedy." I said as I took out my phone to to search Google for "images of Gandolf the Grey" I even used the talk to text function so he would know what I searched on my phone.
This is the second image that appears in the results. I zoomed it in to show just the face without his staff and showed it to my uncle. He did a double take, looking from my phone to me and back to my phone and asked, again in all seriousness "When did you take my picture?"


He actually started to get upset, saying things like "you know I don't like my picture taken" and "you better delete my picture". It was pretty funny. It took me and Justin almost twenty minutes to convince him that it was not his picture. Justin googled it on his phone, and then we made Speedy look it up on his phone. I had to show him that I didn't have any pictures of him in my phone and show him several other photos from the movie before he believed us. It was quite entertaining.
After quite a bit of convincing, I managed to get him to let me take a few photos of him.



I really want to take him to a Comicon or some other costume/cosplay type of event. I'm sure he would have a great time, gain some new experiences, and get nothing but compliments on his costume.
If you want to see this guy dressed as Gandolf and help send us to an event, please Upvote and Resteem this post. Anything made on this post will be used for costumes and travel costs. Help me give this retired old Navy Vet some great memories! He still thinks crypto in all forms is a scam, I would love to pay to take him to an event with Steem and show him otherwise.
All photos (except the one from google) are original pictures taken by me.

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