Sourdough Caprese BLAT Sandwiches - FOOD PHOTO SHOOT

Okay Steemians, BLTs, how do you feel about them?


If you just answered that they’re the greatest invention ever then (ding, ding ding, give ’em a prize!!!) I think we can still be friends. Phew, I was a little bit worried for a sec.


So is it weird to imagine inanimate objects like sandwiches having their own personality? I think if a BLT had a personality it’d be all self-assured and possibly even a bit arrogant about itself. I mean come on, how could it not be when it’s so popular, right? Now a BLAT, they’d probably be a little less conceited from always living in the shadow of their more well-known competition, but I bet they’d still be pretty confident about themselves in sandwich world.


I realize that messing with such a perfectly balanced thing as a BLT is akin to playing with fire. Seriously, just upgrading from a BLT to a BLAT is pushing the limits of perfection…..but I couldn’t help myself you guys, I had to do it! You know what though? I think you’ll agree that this is one scenario where “less is more” doesn’t have to apply because this sandwich is killer amazing!


The roasted garlic butter, mixed with the sourdough bread, PLUS the caprese twist, make the final thing like a party of flavors in your mouth that’ll have you completely forgetting your plain old BLT. Personally, I don’t think there’s any going back for me now, this sandwich has won me over completely. Basically, you’ve just got to try these once to see what I mean. Disregard any preconceived ideals you have about sandwiches and just DO IT!



ALL CONTENT IS MINE AND ORIGINAL! All of these food photos were taken with my Nikon D5300 and my favorite Lens, the Nikon AF-S FX NIKKOR 50mm f/1.8G. You can find out more in my INTRO POST.

And, by the way, to all the minnows out there, my intro post did a huge $0.21. The key to success on Steemit is to be consistent and persistent.

Also, a huge shoutout to @rigaronib for designing my logo!

Gringalicious Headerlast-4.jpg

Oh, and don't forget to follow me on all your favorite social media channels!

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Recipe available upon request to the first Steemian friend who says today's words : "Bananarama"


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