The brick guild in Lviv. The imprint will forever remain in the brick.

In the days of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in Lviv was under construction at a rapid pace. For the construction needed a reliable and durable material. It turned out - an ordinary brick. Therefore, in Lviv were organized various workshops for the production of bricks. Although the brick had strictly certain size, but each department has its own name and abriviaturu, which are stamped on every brick. As its name can be determined from a masterful. Often it was the Austrian or Polish certain family surname.

Workshop Mashler - Austrian.

Workshop Segnovka - Polish.

Workshop Wilczek -  Polish.

Workshop Newwohner - Austrian.

Nowadays it has become very fashionable to build walls and fences of the old brick. And to be seen abriviaturu old bricks.

As can be seen, and this wall is also not an exception.

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