Golden Paddly Fields 金色的稻田


This was taken by me in autumn in our city.
Before our eyes was a stretch of yellow paddy fields, and the paddy fields looked like carpets of fresh yellow, very beautiful!

China is the first country which planted rice. From the wild rice to the artificial transplanting rice, it didn't have a great change during a long time, except the grain size. However, food plays an important role in the course of human evolution.

From the fishing and hunting to agricutural economy, from industrial economy to knowledge economy, we have been multiplying in the earth, I think, mostly because of the food. And our body transforms food into energy and then give our brains. So, our brains will become more and more clever, and our clever brains will begin to study how to do it better, and so on. LOL!

Further more, human society becomes more and more advanced. But peoples are not always so happy in the advanced society. For instance, we have more works to deal with because of computer and mobile phone. And then we lost some time to do other favorite things, such as painting, music etc. So I think, It is important to create a better balance between work and life.





但是越来越进步的社会,不见得人们活的就很快乐。原始人们每天可能只需要很少的时间进行打猎采集食物,够吃了,就会玩啊,唱歌啊,画壁画啊。人家每天过的可能也很快乐。因为他们有多余的时间做别的活动,比如古代的祭祀活动都特别多,特别重视。 有专家分析,唐宋时代是古代最舍得放长假的朝代。不仅动不动就放7天长假,每年的节假日累计起来超过50天。到我们现在一年才休2个黄金周,加上四个传统节日4天,一共也不到20天。真的假期太少了。现在的人业余时间都少了,所以好多活动也都一切从简了。这时我想起有句话说的很对,大致就是说:社会在进步,人类在发展,艺术却永远也无法超越前人。 看来就是大家都没时间搞了啊。


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