Nymph | Self Portrait


Self Portrait

While walking at the mini forest in the university campus in 2013, I found these dead plant (flowers?) and I thought it still looked pretty even if it was already dead. I took it home and decided to include it in one of my self portraits.

I honestly forgot the original concept of this photograph because, yep, I deleted my accounts and photos on other social media sites without taking down notes on the descriptions. So it's up for you to interpret it. I love the audiences to be engaged with my photographs though.

Nymph BTS LOL.jpg

A little bit about how I took the photograph. lol.
I usually just put the camera on a tripod and put it on self timer for 10 seconds or so - with 9 shots. I usually put a teddy bear or a pillow in front just for me to manually focus the camera. And that photo... I put my phone on a self timer to capture myself putting my camera on a self timer to do a self portrait. :P
And oh! Those black thingy dripping? Those are watercolor.

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