Geocaching - a day in Knoxville


I had no idea how much fun these strange tech-wanderers were having!

Amelia and I decided to cut a weekend trip to Nashville short (after a successful STEEM meetup) and enjoy the bright sunlight and downtown activity. Our outings begin the same as how I imagine other couples start; “where should we go”, “sounds expensive”, “when does food fit into that plan?” Ok, the last one was me, but we’ve all been there.

Recently, a coworker of ours tried Geocaching with her sister. They shared pictures filled with smiles and greenbrowns of the outdoors. Obviously the idea sparked our interests.

We embark...

What is ge·o·cach·ing?



the recreational activity of hunting for and finding a hidden object by means of GPS coordinates posted on a website. downloaded, iphone battery... well, good enough, dogs loaded in the car, and we’re off! Alright, ok, I’ll admit it - my mindset starting our journey was something like “heck-yeah boo, gotta catch ‘em all!” The trill of discovering the cache is great, however discovering new places (even within the familiar ones), and problem solving with a partner to do-so were MY favorite parts about this geocaching journey.

It wasn’t our first time to Knoxville. It’s a city Amelia and I now call home. Nevertheless, this app and list of coordinates was able teach (and) us about the history that is preserved between the city streets - like corridors in the House.


So, no matter how loco you look, or if the muggles (just learned this term) are lurking, will you try geocaching?

Please see these few snaps by @ameliabartlett of our adventure. More film photos coming... brought a Canon AE1, [kromiəm] 500, Konica 160.






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Comments welcome about my purse.

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