The Portraits of Lucien - Photoshoot.


Start the song before you start scrolling down, please.


Skin lighter than pastel pink,


it turns red on contact with almost anything,


his look, long nights of tears,


his face, deep sighs,


able to break easily,


him, sadness and happiness.


Hello! As you may have noticed, in this publication I am introducing one of my most appreciated photographic portrait work, telling you a little about my experience with this person and how it all came about. In my portrait specialization I intend to enter into intimacy and from that develop some photographs.

Lucien, is one of the most genuine people I know, a person who knows how to listen, knows how to give super warm hugs, who feel almost as if he understood anything that is happening to you with just that physical gesture. I could describe him as a very cheesy, very happy and very tragic person.

I proposed to Lucien that I wanted to make some portraits, he immediately told me that he was very excited, we spent a few days planning how everything would be, the only thing I told him was to wear a dress without prints, (I really did not have much planned).

I invited him to my house to spend a few days, from Saturday to Monday. We spent the days playing on my computer and talking about things in our lives. The photographs were made on Sunday, what happened afterward was something without planning, Lucien was him, as is a person who is used to self-portraits, he did not feel intimidated by the camera, he placed himself as he wanted and I was just photographing what he decided to show me.

With these photographs and few words that I wrote part of who is Lucien, a delicate person, he has lived many things, his skin tells many stories, but no more than he could tell you, the look of carrying a very heavy burden that there is no way to get rid of, and among all these things, it is able to continue to shine and illuminate the path of others.

For you Lucien, the best friend I ever had.

Many times you have made me worry, and you have made me cry, I will always be for you, I will always support you and I will encourage you to move forward. In your saddest moments, where you feel empty, where you feel you can not do more, you can remember that I am here, together with other people who love you, and we believe that you will achieve everything you propose, you and your art, your poetry, and your books, never let your light go out, because remember, that with your light you also enlighten us.


The song is a small portrait of Lucien.


cora simple.png

Thanks for be here!
Twitter: @ilhuna_
Instagram: @ilhuna
©2018 María Zerpa


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