Heavy-Duty Cropping!

No. Nothing to do with agriculture or farm machines. I just thought that this picture could be much better if cropped with my cropping tool with a heavy hand. So sorry all of you who came here to see some tractors, reapers or other big farm machines. Maybe some day. :)

Photo: CC BY-SA gallery.insaneworks.fi
Camera: Canon EOS 550D - Shutter Speed: 1/250 sec - Aperture: f/6.3 - ISO Sensitivity: 100 - Focal Length: 270 mm - Lens Info: 18-270mm

What do you think? Which one is better? Cropped or original?


Are you familiar with the following process?

You are looking at the art you have done. A picture, painting, photo, text, sculpture... Anything. You are looking at it and it looks good. But good isn't good enough. It might be that it's just OK. But just OK definitely isn't enough. You want it to be better than just OK. Actually, now that you look at it, it's shit. It's pretty darn awful. You don't know what you thought. You should just toss it to trash. There's nothing you can do to save it. Or is there? If you just clip here, adjust there, crop some more, make it darker, enhance this, throw away that, it looks much more better. Maybe even amazing! But just maybe. As a matter of fact it's bad. Pretty bad. You think you should just leave it as it is. It kinda looks alright if you do nothing to it. One has to know when to adjust and when to leave things as they are. This might be one of those times. Yes. This IS one of those times when you just have to leave this be 'cause it's perfect. Or is it...

If you do not know what I'm talking about, you are one of those people who always do everything right the first time, are never wrong about anything and never ever doubt yourself. I hate you.

Thank goodness there's ice-cream in the fridge. Hate is such a strong word.

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