Announcing ‘The Viewfinder Steemzine’ — Call For Submissions!

Calling Photographers and Writers!

The Viewfinder Steemzine (A "Steemit Ezine" - Steemzine, clever right???) is now open for submissions for the first two volumes.

The Viewfinder Steemzine will be a bi-weekly (once every two weeks) ezine available exclusively on Steemit featuring the work of ‘local’ photographers and writers on various topics within photography. I will endeavour to publish once every two weeks, depending on the reception and level of entries, once a month is also an option.

The purpose is to further explore the potential of the platform for showcasing the work of photographers, those interested in photography, and of course to provide inspiration to readers. Secondly, it is to create and distribute value to users on the platform working in the field of photography by providing opportunities for high value curators to utilise voting power effectively, basically hitting many birds with one stone. The distribution of rewards are suggested as follows:

Percentages of SBD are shown instead of flat rates because I am unable to predict the response to the initiative. This way I can guarantee payment for work without paying out of pocket should the response be poor. These numbers are not set in stone.

  • Photographs: 10% * 5
  • Writing: 15% * 2
  • Interview or Behind the Photo: 10%
  • Editor: 10% (me, or otherwise)

Benefits to submitters: Guaranteed payment in percentages, exposure on an established recognised account with 650+ followers (and growing daily) including large account holders, the chance to work together with other people excited about photography, build name recognition, and to be involved in a new initiative on the platform.

Entries must be exclusive to the volume, meaning that it wasn’t posted to Steemit before. Although, I will allow entries that have already been posted if there were less than 20 votes or less than $5, and no less than 1 week old. You may only submit your own work.

Accepting submissions for the following:

Volume 1: Macro Photography

Volume 2: undecided (Will be relevant based on entries submitted)

Behind The Photo: Show an interesting photo and provide a short write-up on the back story. (Under 100 words)

Gear Reviews: Reviews of lenses, cameras, lighting equipment, you name it. (Under 1000 words)

How To & Tips / DIY (under 500 words) Suggestion: lighting macro subjects, reverse lens technique

Featured Article: Anything on Macro Photography (Under 1000 words)

Note that submissions for Volume 2 are being accepted, which may influence the topic for that volume. You can also suggest a category within the volume.


If you have any questions or suggestions, please let me know in the comments.

Entries can be submitted to, or pm @jamtaylor on I may not respond to all entries, but if selected I will be sure to respond.

Notice to Curators

If you would like to support this project from Volume 1 onwards, but need reminders, let me know so that I can send you the links on when posted.


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