Winner Announcement for Steemit Photo Challenge #1 — WE'RE ALL WINNERS!

The first Steemit Photo Challenge has now come to a close.

The point of this contest was to encourage and highlight more original quality content being posted in the photography tag, as well as to encourage more interaction between users. Secondly, I wanted to use whatever platform I had to highlight some of the creatives using this site who may not be able to stand out based on their content alone.

If the community enjoys it, I would love to continue the Steemit Photo Challenge, probably with a few minor tweaks here and there.

As I began going through the entries it struck me how difficult a task I had in determining what would be ‘the best’ or the top 4 images, as if I were some old wise Master Photographer in a position to judge. I am only in this position by chance and not by merit, by taking the initiative to just go ahead and do it. My decision is not flawless, and I know that there will be a few who disagree with my picks. I’ve tried to be unbiased but my personal taste and aesthetics comes into play, I’m not sure if I can avoid that. The beautiful thing is that you can directly award your favourite photographers and entries with your upvotes or a direct tip from your wallet, in fact, I encourage it. Go check out these photographers, follow their work, give some upvotes!

I’m also pleased that there were no attempts to steal other’s works in the contest, that I’m aware of, and I’ve taken every effort to be aware of it.

With all that said, with just a little bit of fear and trepidation....

Here are my picks for the winners of the Steemit Photo Challenge Numero Uno

But first! Some honourable mentions.

Honourable Mention Prize: 10 Steem each

By @orm Submission Post

By @rznag Submission Post

By @zorro Submission Post

By @marinaz Submission Post

By @matt-a Submission Post

By @marinabogumil Submission Post

The prizes were kindly donated by @berniesanders (150Steem) @discombobulated (25 Steem) and @moose (10 Steem), the rest came from the rewards from the announcement post.


Prize: 25 Steem

By @birdie Submission Post


Prize: 50 Steem

By @pixielolz Submission Post


Prize: 100 Steem

By @begstreets Submission Post


Prize: 150 Steem

By @sharker Submission Post

This image is so striking, it stayed with me the most out of all the other images submitted.

Congratulations to everyone featured in this post, and thank you to everyone who took part, whether by submitting or by upvoting and commenting. If your image didn't make it into this post, don't be discouraged. There were plenty of great photos that I wasn't able to include.

The rewards from this post will go towards the funding of the prizes for the next Steemit Photo Challenge, which will be announced THIS Friday [I'd said next friday but I think that's too long in Steem World]

Keep snapping

And keep watching this space, I’ve got more things in store.
Visit my profile and click ‘Follow Me’, if you like.

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