On International Dog Day - Be More Dog

Over the years I have given my heart to many dogs. Every ounce of love and attention I lavished upon each of them came back to me tenfold, for there is no creature upon the earth who can love as freely, as devotedly, as faithfully as a dog. Dogs are, quite simply, love made flesh.

Each of the dogs I have lived with full time died in my arms; the last two (both elderly rescue dogs) passing peacefully and naturally in their own good time. Each of them owned my heart, and then shattered it to the four winds by having to leave. But each of these wonderful beings lives on in my soul. I am 'more dog' because of our love for each other. And I would not have it any other way.

I do not celebrate ANY 'organised' days, but a day dedicated to honour the most noble spirit of the dog? How can I resist...? I am proud to share these images of my canine companions with you, today or any day:




(Original photo by John D Moulton, tweaked by Jay Taylor)

All photography © Jay Taylor. Please do not reproduce or use in any way without my express permission.

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