How NOT To Be A Wedding DJ

Several weeks ago, @winstonwolfe and I had the honor of documenting @bumbleshark's lovely wedding ceremony and reception.

As long-time photographer's, we know that our job is to be unseen, a fly on the wall, if you will. That's really the job any wedding vendor, but I guess one guy didn't get the memo.

Here's a quick example of how NOT to be a wedding DJ:

This is @bumbleshark, and she is about to toss her bouquet.
Doesn't she look beautiful on her wedding day?

Here she goes!

Wait....who's this??

That would be the DJ hired off of the venue's recommendation.

And he just ruined her bouquet toss photos.

What you can't see here is that @winstonwolfe is standing off to my right, trying to get the same moment from a slightly different angle. As soon as this happened, we gave each other a look - an "I'm about to choke a wedding DJ" look.

Because this guy ran in front of his camera, his photos aren't even worth showing.

I'm thinking this is surely a fluke. Maybe he didn't feel like he had the room's attention and was trying to direct it?
Maybe he just didn't realize what he had done.

Okay. Let's give him another chance.
Here comes the garter toss, and so far, so good. He's nowhere around:

Oh...there he is...

Are you serious right now, Mr. DJ Guy?!?!?

@winstonwolfe moved a little to try to get a better angle since it looked like he was going to pull the same stupid stunt. At this point, I'm looking Mr. DJ Guy dead in the eyes from across the room and telling him, in not so many words, to get the f out of my way.

He saw me. He ignored me.

Okay, here we go, I guess.

My shots:

@winstonwolfe's shots:

@bumbleshark and I have been long time friends, so shortly after things calmed down a little, I pulled her aside and told her what had happened. She briefly mentioned that he was the replacement sent in an emergency because the first DJ had already played all the wrong songs during her ceremony.


A few weeks later, she sends me a message and says the thought I would like to know the rest of the story. Apparently,
the tosses weren't the only snafu with this DJ:

I'm not going to waste my time pointing out all the things that went wrong here on a professional level. Really,

it's kind of obvious.

So, if you're looking to break into the wedding DJ industry, just remember that other vendors can possibly bring in quite a lot of referrals for you. Keep them happy and network with them, and please take notes from this guy on what NOT to do.

Does anyone else have a wedding vendor horror tale to share with me? I'd love to hear it!

Thanks for reading!


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