Seven day B&W challenge - day#1 - Big Apple

Wassup peeps!

Soooh I finally caved and started this after @zeroooc tagged me an eon ago in steemit terms.
Voilà my first B&W Photo. :)

IMG_6274.jpg Big Apple, is all I'm sayin

Taken with an Iphone 8. (Not mine, incidentally, I nicked my friends phone for pictures during this trip hahahaha! He didn't mind much though, he's not a big snapshot taker and actually kind of appreciated me filling his phone with memories.)

The Challenge

check out the rules, if you would like to take part in this challenge:

  1. 7 black & white images that represent an aspect of your life
  2. Present one image every day for seven days
  3. No people
  4. No explanation needed
  5. Nominate someone every day. Although anyone can join in.
  6. Use the tag: #sevendaybnwchallenge as one of your five tags

Oh dear god, here comes the part I was dreading.

I don't know who to tag!

Every Steemian under the sun seems to have done this thing already, so it's really difficult for me, especially conidering I don't really know that many peeps yet. sigh.
F*ck this, you know what? Anybody who wants to do the bloody thing, please go ahead! :D I don't really want to annoy anyone with a specific tag. haha
Your choice ;)

Hope you enjoy these little interludes between my "walls of text and explanations" posts. 🤣

Cheerio, my lovelies~~
Until the next time. ♡


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