Tree Tuesday The fortress of the tree, example of life (Ushuaia)

This image I take my daughter in Ushuaia, it is a beautiful lake of the place, a very cold day, so much that the tree take to take a nap, this tree has so much strength that even fallen so give up and continue giving outbreak , A true example to life itself.

I hope you like it

Esta imagen saco mi hija en Ushuaia, se trata de un hermoso lago del lugar, un día de mucho frio, tanto que el árbol aprovecho para hacer una siesta, este árbol tiene tanta fortaleza que aun caído so se da por vencido y continua dando brote, un verdadero ejemplo a la vida misma.
Espero sea de su agrado

Source: family album
The Camera used a Samsung 12.2 mega pixels

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land of Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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