Live Sustainably Photo Competition -

The Cloud Factory


In our corner of the world we have a division of where "nature meets industry" as I like to define it. About 60 years ago, the Salish Sea got its very own "cloud factory" aka- an oil refinery. Since that time the smoke stacks can be seen steaming 24/7. As a result we have had a steady local enconomy but with that has come the sacrifice of lives and environment. The refining process, though arguably vital to our current way of life, is no doubt very dangerous and one that has unarguable negative impacts on the environment. This is a night view of it from last night from a popular vantage point. During the day, adjust your gaze a few degrees to the north and you see the North Cascades and Mt. Baker. Or spin around 180 degrees and you see the San Juan Islands.

Learn more about me by reading my Introduction Post

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